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The Joint Laboratory of Extreme Environmental Materials and Special Processes was unveiled.

2020/9/1 17:41:37 Hits:4899 Source:

On August 31, the "Joint Laboratory of extreme environmental materials and special processes" jointly built by Anhui Yingliu Electromechanical Group and the Institute of Energy of Hefei Comprehensive National Science Center (Anhui Energy Laboratory) was officially unveiled in the Institute of Plasma. Leaders from provincial and municipal Development and Reform Commission, Anhui University of Science and Technology, Yingliu Group and Institute of Energy attended the ceremony. The unveiling ceremony was presided over by Song Yuntao, who is the executive dean of Institute of Energy and deputy dean of Hefei Institute of Physical Science.


Da Yiwu (chief engineer of provincial Development and Reform Commission), Cheng Zonghao (vice director of Municipal Development and Reform Commission), Du Yingliu (chairman of Yingliu Group) and Li Jiangang (president of Institute of Energy jointly unveiled the joint laboratory. At the same time, the first batch of 6 innovative research and achievement transformation projects was launched, including the comprehensive correction device of high-end heat treatment three-phase modulation load.


Da Yiwu indicated that building a joint laboratory could promote the high integration of technology and market, talents and industry, effectively solve the problems of industrial development and help Anhui build an advanced manufacturing base with international influence.


Cheng Zonghao expressed the hope of creating a good innovation atmosphere through bilateral cooperation, and building the joint laboratory into an IUR cooperation benchmark with flexible system, high efficiency and excellent results.

At the meeting, Zhu Di'e (director of science Center of Provincial Development and Reform Commission), Hu Haomin (director of Work Relief Department), Wu Xinchao (secretary of the Party Committee of Institute of Plasma Physics of Chinese Academy of Sciences), Liu Fukun (executive deputy director), Guo Yongcun (secretary of the Party committee of Anhui University of Science & Technology), Ding Lijian (vice president of Institute of Energy), Ding Bangman (vice president of Yingliu Group) and other leaders and experts who participated in the meeting provide advice and suggestions in terms of operating mechanism, project management and talent training based on their own actual situation.

Finally, Du Yingliu (chairman of Yingliu Group) and Li Jiangang (president of Institute of Energy) said that they would fully support the construction of the joint laboratory, give full play to the advantages of both sides in talent, technology, equipment and market, and constantly expand the fields of bilateral cooperation, jointly promote product R & D and application in high-tech fields such as nuclear energy, aviation and aerospace, and serve the strategy of building a strong province and a strong country in manufacturing.