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Aiming at people's life and health,Institute of Energy has laid out medical innovation and established a Joint Laboratory of Medical Nuclear Technology Application.

2021/3/6 16:15:13 Hits:3889 Source:

On March 5, 2021, the unveiling ceremony of the "Joint Laboratory of Medical Nuclear Technology Application" between Institute of Energy of Hefei Comprehensive National Science Center and Chengdu Nurit Medical Technology Co., Ltd.was held at Tennis Hotel International.

Relevant leaders of Sichuan Medical Products Administration, Sichuan Provincial Science and Technology Department, Chengdu Science and Technology Bureau, Shuangliu County Party Committee and the Mangement  Committee of Xihanggang Economic Development Zone attended the meeting. Relevant principals and shareholder representatives of long-term cooperative scientific research institutes and cooperative enterprises such as NPIC, Southwestern Institute of Physics, Chengdu Branch of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Institute of Nuclear Science and Technology of Sichuan University, West China Hospital of Sichuan University and Hefei Goldstar Electromechanical Technology Development Co., Ltd. were invited to attend the meeting.


Figure  Signing Ceremony


Figure  Unveiling Ceremony

Li Jiangang (academician of Chinese Academy of Engineering and president of Institute of Energy) and Qian Jihui (founder and honorary chairman of Chengdu Nurit )signed a joint laboratory cooperation agreement. Academician Yu junchong and Academician Li Jiangang of NPIC jointly unveiled the joint laboratory. Relevant leaders of government departments, scientific research institutions and cooperative enterprises witnessed the whole process of signing the contract.


Left: He Xun, deputy director of Sichuan Medical Products Administration / right: Li Jian, secretary of Shuangliu County Party Committee

He Xun(deputy director of Sichuan Medical Products Administration) and Li Jian (secretary of Shuangliu County Party Committee) congratulated the establishment of the joint laboratory. The leaders spoke highly of the significance of the establishment of the joint laboratory, and promised that they would assign special personnel and provide support from different policy areas, and hoped that the joint laboratory could promote the R & D level of nuclear medicine in China to a new level as soon as possible.

The complete success of this meeting marked the official establishment of the "Joint Laboratory of Medical Nuclear Technology Application". Both parties actively responded to the call of "Four Faces" and taken serving healthy China and precision medicine strategy as the mission, so as to realize in-depth matchmaking in innovation R & D, technology improvement, talent training, achievement transformation and industrialization. The two sides plan to accelerate the R & D and industrialization of accelerator medical nuclides, and the R & D of high-end nuclear-related medical equipment, improve the overall technical level, comprehensive competitiveness and innovation ability of China's nuclear medicine industry, and provide accurate diagnosis and treatment products for millions of new cancer patients every year to protect people's lives and health.


The establishment of the Joint Laboratory is the beginning of the Institute of Energy to actively serve innovation in the medical field. Institute of Energy will deeply cooperate with Chengdu Nurit Medical Technology Co., Ltd. to fully combine scientific research achievements with industrial application, thus opening a new chapter of medical innovation.